-Medalla de Oro Asia Wine Chalenge 2021, con Platé Pasión Frizzante.

-Medalla de Plata International Wine Awards 2021, con Platé Pasión Frizzante.

-Medalla de Plata London Wine Competition 2022, con Platé Pasión Frizzante.

-Medalla de Bronce París Wine Cup 2023, con Platé Pasión Frizzante.

-Medalla de Plata London Wine Competition 2023 con Platé Pasión Frizzante.


Alcohol content: 5,5% vol.

Total acid content: 6,50 gr tartaric acid/lt.

Residual sugar: 30 gr/l

Tasting notes:

Colour: Bright yellow color.

Bouquet: Primary aromas of great intensity to passion

fruit, and in aftertaste to fresh bananas.

Taste: In the mouth it presents an excellent balance

of sweet flavors with a touch of acidity that brings

freshness, with a touch of carbon that makes it very

refreshing, easy, fun to drink and perfect to enjoy at

any time of the day.

Matching: It is ideal as an appetizer and can be paired

with fish, salads, sushi, desserts, fruits especially with

chocolate and chocolate based desserts.

Temperature: Serve very cold 5ºC