Nairoa 2017

Bodegas Nairoa, S.l.

Type of wine: White Region: Ribeiro - Spain
Valoration: Bronze Price: 4-6
Barrel: NO

Tasting notes of winery's winemaker

Crystalline, pale yellow color imprinted of greenish reflections. Really expressive floral aromas with fragrance of white fruits. Smooth, fresh and harmonic on the palate.

Other awards for this wine

Medalla de Oro de Radio Turismo a los mejores vinos de España

Medalla de Bronce en el ?I Challenge to the Best Spanish Wines for USA?

Medalla de Bronce en el ?International Wine Guide 2013?

Mención Especial en la I Cata Nacional de Vinos y Licores Vinis Terrae

Medalla de Plata en el CWWSC ?Catavinum World Wine & Spirits?