Fermentation controlled with destemmed grape.

12 months in barrels, 100% french oak.

6-12 months in bottle before being sold on the market.

Chery red color, médium-high layer and maroon nuances, clean and shiny.

Good intensity and complexity on the nose.Mature red fruit,wood and toasted aromas.

Good entrance and in mouth experienece. Pleasant and well balanced.The aromas found on the nose are again present in the retro.olfactory sensations. Pleasant finish in mouth.

It´s a definitely pleasant and enjoyable wine.


2017-C Mond Bruxelles-CHallengt Int Vin-Catavinum-IWSW-Plata

2018-Conc Mondial Bruxelles-Int.Wine Sp Awards

2019-Catavinum-International Wine Spirits Awards

2020-Challenge Inter VIN-Concours Mond Bruxelles-Oro